Sunday, February 29, 2004
Haiti's presidential departure thrusts Haitian government into the hands of the Chef Justice Alexandre and interimly Prime mInister Neptune. Supplementing their resource needs now by the international community with polising and peacekeeping forces -the American component of which left UN service in 1999 should be most welcome. The US Forces which joined the international community in 1991 and again in 1994 numbered 50,000 plus with UN forces. None were killed by hostile fire. That composed climate of international help and Haitian national reception is required again. Whatever the cause and color of any international government push aided in that pressure by the armed insurrection will and must await an investigation. Those rebels must rejoin Haiti's constitutional polity and lay down their arms .. the Haitian police as nationally sovereignty must be lawfully regarded and join in civil restoration. Elections would proceed by the constitution. Nothing in the France-USA conservative dossier - which differs from the whole USA & French dossiers of their polities would subordinate Haitian national sovereignty. Before a calamatous paramilitary oligarchy would subordinate the nation - law and international policing can provide the resources Haiti was promised at Kingston in January. The rebels must heed the popular national focus of Acting President Alexandre and lay down arms --the power of amnesty now his. Elections would follow in 45-90 days for a new Haitian presidency - the law of nations and Haiti's constitution and people will sustain that. The UN, CARICOM the OAS will not govern Haiti - they will buttress a lawful police for civil maintenance .. and join and continue Haiti's construction of domestic governing institutions. This has been a democratic scare for Haiti - not a full loss of democracy under law. Any US peacekeeping involvement will - by the American system - straddle also the openness and political consent of the American President and Congress --and of course - an open query as to whether we helped or worsened Aristide's adminstration -now ended. (THE USA's Cabinet Departments and intelligence agencies account to American law). Let the Haiti Opposition -- use the civil electoral means to seek office - they will under the UN Charter adn Haiti's Constitution acquire it by no other lawful means. The UN will not be subordinating Haiit to a Trusteeship. And shame on the USA and other UN nations for neglecting to monitor and co-invest in the expensively applied UN sponsored national reconstruction post 1999. In other words Haiti -as your American friends say calm down - relax - you'll vote on a new presidency in 45-90 days - the Acting Preisdent is for and of the law .. your law.. |
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Haiti's Electoral Legitimacy �Excerpt from CNN Internatioal Election reports -Analysis
Haiti's Electoral Legitimacy
�Excerpt from CNN Internatioal Election reports -for Haiti
" ... PresidentialNovember 26, 2000 At stake in this election: Office of president of the Republic of Haiti Description of government structure: Chief of State: President Rene Garcia PREVAL [1995-2000 -Pres Aristide 2000-2005 now] Head of Government: Prime Minister Jacques-Edouard ALEXIS [appointed by the President - now Prime Minister Yvon Neptune] Assemblies: Haiti's bicameral National Assembly (Assemblee Nationale) consists of a 27-member Senate and a 83-member Chamber of Deputies. [Aristide's Lavalas Party has a strong majority in both houses - the opposition feigning electoral irregularities boycotted the 2000 Congressional elections -4 year terms with elections again this year 2004] Description of electoral system: The president is elected by absolute majority vote to a five-year term. [Direct Election by the people - the opposiiton and the old elite wanted an indirect electoral college to diminish the popular majority party - absolute majority establishes an implicit run-off if no candidate receives 50 % of the vote ] All members of the Senate are elected by absolute majority vote to six-year terms with one third being elected every two years. All members in the Chamber of Deputies are elected by absolute majority vote to four-year terms. Results of the election for president: Presidential Candidate: Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE Party: Lavalas Family Party (FL) Valid Votes Received: 2,632,534 Percent of Valid Votes Received: 91.81% Presidential Candidate: Arnold DUMAS Party: Independent Candidate Valid Votes Received: 56,678 Percentage of Valid Votes: 2.04% Presidential Candidate: Evan NICOLAS Party: Union for National Reconstruction (UNR) Valid Votes Received: 45,441 Percentage of Valid Votes: 1.55% Presidential Candidate: Serge SYLVAIN Party: Independent Candidate Valid Votes Received: 37,371 Percentage of Valid Votes: 1.30% Presidential Candidate: Calixte DORISCA Party: Independent Candidate Valid Votes Received: 36,233 Percentage of Valid Votes: 1.26% Presidential Candidate: Jacques Philippe DORCE Party: Independent Candidate Valid Votes Received: 32,245 Percentage of Valid Votes: 1.12% Presidential Candidate: Paul Arthur FLEURIVAL Party: Independent Candidate Valid Votes Received: 31,100 Percentage of Valid Votes: 1.08% 2.5% of the vote. ... Population and number of registered voters: Population: 6,867,995 (July 2000) Number of registered voters: 3,668,049 (1995) Of Interest: In addition to the presidential election, Haiti also held elections for nine of twenty-seven senate seats. The main opposition group, The Democratic Convergence, boycotted the vote in protest of alleged irregularities in parliamentary and municipal elections in May. The Lavalas Family Party, to which Mr. Aristide belongs, won eighty percent of the available seats in the legislative elections. ... " - end CNN excerpt - bracketed text above is this editor's comment to it additionally and below. Where is the opposition now in mobilizing a civil congressional and presidential campaign - and what did the USA spend money on to organize multi-polarity pluralism in a country where logically by voting enfranchisement -the constituency of the Lavalas Party would be immensely popular? ...Further, all neutral and honest accounts for the electoral process sustain the irregularities as occurring against Lavalas's interest - in favor of 'old guard' terror wielding attempts to bar their vote by limiting voter registration. To save face, only, - it appears - the Opposition -the Democratic Convergence - boycotted the Haitian Congressional elections in 2000 because their results would have mirrored the Presidential vote diffusion. Opposition advocates, receiving US and European monies to organize political opposition, are decrying the lack of a multi-party appearance expected in a democracy -because they are not organizing and seeking the vote or are not successful in winnng the vote -and are falsely crying voter intimidation. What the Opposition seeks is a power distribution which is not democratic and which violates one man one vote principles. Further - the Opposition representing th entrenched wealthy with monies from drug taffickers - whose crime wave favors the destruction of Aristide's apparent ability to govern - (crime will at first increase in a free society) appear to have a surplus of money to buy crime and thuggery - which appears along with outright purchase and payoff to be the only outlet for "opposition party building money" . Not wholly admitted but openly rumoured (beacuse it is terasonous subversion) - the word is out that when Aristide resigns or is criminally ousted -the Opposition (pretending to be just demonstarting -and some are bona fidely are doing just that) will take off the heat of criminal gangsterism - referenced as if they can turn it on and off. The latter assumes they can sustain the 'wild horse' they have purchased with a post order-restored corral. |
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Haiti Elections
Haiti Elections
President Aristide's promise to Haiti of Democracy is the culmination of an international project commenced in his predecessor President Preval's Administration. The year 2000 elections for the Haitian Congress - and that election's flaws - have been readily cited by the Opposition and the Rebels as their motivation for l'anvernal Aristide. They are worth reviewing. Linked below - the Quixote Project Report sustains a look at an incipient democracy reversing a military dictatorship which followed a terror ridden criminalistic personality cult of Doc Duvalier. That election report reads likreconstruction in the post civil war American South or the Civil rights South era's voting rights projects. Despite voter registration and voter intimidation and everything else Haiti is stereotyped for --elections -with flaws - were held in Haiti for its Congress in 2000 - for The Senate (6 years with a third re-elected thereafter every 2 years) and the whole House of Deputies for 4 year terms - by the new 1987 Constituion. That Congress is up for a re-election scheduled this fall in November 2004. Those flaws in the election were not the result of Aristide's Party - which calmy patiently expectedly with President Preval and others expected full voter registration and the maximum volitional voting participation The reports estimates that 60 % of eligible voters participated - despite corruption and voter intimidation activities. Aristide's party -winning a majority - actually joined a call for an election delay to register more and to teach democracy to Haitians - but the opposition wanted earlier elections and got them - fearing a coterminous Presidential and Congressional election a year or so later which would produce a larger Aristide majority. That Congressional election in 2000 was followed in 2001 by the Presidential election which Jean-Bertrand Aristide won and joined with his party's majoirty in the Haitian Congress - the Family or Lavalas (Avalanche in Creole) Party. That is the Haitian democracy now. One asks now why a US Republican Congress and Presidency was so bothered by it that they chose to join Europe and fund a Democracy Project to 'build opposition' parties'. That money was provided - but less money was available or provided - referenced for a cut by Senator Helms and others - for voter registration and voter education and voter safety projects. That action by mounting physical evidence seems to have conveyed the present political disarray in Haiti. Bizarrely the campaign of Aristide disinformation has painted the democrat and voting and constitution advocate as the 'bete noire' - because the opposition cannot portray him civilly as simply the majority represented incumbent who must share responsibility for polity or statecraft failure for better or wosre. President Aristide and his supporters acknowledge that he cannot be declaimed as a dictator or non-democratic as a constitutional majoritian office winner. Haiitans - save by God or the international communy - will soon have a taste of the anarchy combined with the White Horse Champion rescue from chaos in conversion to dictatorship again. When a parliamentary mind meets a presidential mind they re-marry others or divorce or combat. Haiti is a 'presidential political system' with a hybrid of a partial executive power sharing with Congress through a presidential Prime Minister which the Congress must confirm. Thats is done by the majority. Asking for Aristide's resignation is standard these days because of the parliamentary form - his term of office does not join a parliamentary form's dependence on a majority in the Congress. He can repeat a term of office if re-elected after a five year interval. Further were he to resign - the Presidency would befall the Supreme Court Chief Justice or his Vice Justice with a new presidential election in 45 days. Aristide would be out for five years and forfeit the Presidential function of his electoral majority which will likely continue -as long as the poor 99% are Haiti's voters. Haiti's problem now is the armed insurgency; and the Opposition sandbagging - the latter is politics -costly politics; and a costly scuttle. So it seems the Haitian democratic problem is that of the opposition -which is parliamentary-mind driven and cannot grasp the function of minority party offce holding. In Haiti that is also the prospect of its future Presidency depending on the Congress' composition . What Haiti needs is the incumbency of democracy and constitutional government .. what it is complaining of is the intolerance of the minority dissatisfied with Aristide . .which minority by measures and extra money - has bought anarchy and insurrection - and then stalled to avert an internationally assisted internal address and rescue of a threatened state. Americans and the international community wil write off a massive Haitian investment in democratic institution building - voter registration and elections processes. What the rebels and the opposition cannot sustain now is time to the next election. Hence the resignation and measure by by-election which should be ought to be their's. Haiti can save its democracy by acting now to accomodate Aristide's plan with CARICOM and the world's investment in its democray or wash it out with that abstention, and see lost time and the blood of civil war. President Bush's Administration has said no military help now - but has committed Secretary Powell to a policy role with USA participation in an OAS and CARICOM resolution - which requires money and manpower. Perhaps Powell can resign or explain lip service. President Aristide and his majority in Congress have met the CARICOM plan terms -- Haiti's minority and out of power opposition can join or be excluded. Haiti and the world have seen the Opposition's resort to vulgar street power and armed rebellion in refusal and abjection of responsibility. (None are fooled by the Chamber of Commerce -Group 184 - reception in Cite Soleil -as an Aristide street show against them). Let the CARICOM plan be implemented by the majority of Haiti's Congress and the responsible opposition who would join it. To acquiesce to less to is to veto Haiti's democracy and majority before the elections next fall. If you believe power-hungry former Haitian army officers and soldiers - mercenarily purchased - having tasted blood will leave or quit their activity after Aristide leaves and behave for the Acting-Presidency of a Supreme Court Justice and remain calm with the Congress and the Acting Presidency for the 45 days to a new presidential election -then you're a candidate for a voyage to Haiti as paradise. The second link below tells another story - Haiti's US trade -- Americans on average spend less than a $1 per person for Haitian export goods compared to almost $80 per Haitian for American goods. The Haitian living standard en masse is $1 per day ... that's the cause of poverty 100 miles from Florida while Americans complain of jobs lost or business invested in the world largest Dictatorship - China. Democracy buys nothing or costs too much -evidently. Americans useed to reward democracies with access to the USA market to buy their goods to raise their kindred lives and incomes. US Haiit Trade Figures Haiit 2000 Elections Report |
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
More Stink of a US-Europe Backed Coup ?
This "Axis of Logic Piece" about matters behind Haiti events was published 5 days ago and noted at this blog -- references 900 US troops alongside Dominican border guards 2 years ago - the FRAPH participants treated as part of "the loyal opposition" - The insurgents by all reports entered 'armed' through that area of the Dominican border -the central plateau toward Hinch [ Department Centre's capital ] along the Artibonite River to Gonnaive and northward to Trou de Nord then Cap Haitien with trucks SUV's and arms. The Haitien opposition and the international posture appear now to have been foot dragging to buy the rebels time. Also tied in are a US & Europe funded conservative 'right wing' group a Haitien political party - MDP led by Jean-Bapiste Joseph a former army sergeant and loyalist of the last army group. Axis of Logic article - [excerpt] " ...I saw both sides of this double game when I went to Haiti at the time of Aristide's return in 1994. I saw the U.S. helicopter that landed Aristide at the palace and the U.S. soldiers who guarded the bullet-proof box from which he was allowed to speak. I interviewed U.S. officers in the Central Plateau who said they were specifically told to treat FRAPH as a loyal opposition, and not to confiscate large weapons' caches they stumbled upon. Most of the M-1s and M-14s seen in the hands of the Gonaives thugs today have been identified as coming from those Haitian army stockpiles left untouched during the U.S. occupation. A few M-16s, though, have begun to appear in Goniaves as well - identical to those given the Dominican army en masse just a few months ago by the U.S. government, in return for Dominican acquiescence in placing 900 U.S. troops alongside Dominican guards at the Dominican frontier - and for the Dominican agreement never to use the International Court to accuse and try U.S. citizens for war crimes. (Miami Herald, Dec. 6, 2002) While virtually all U.S. media insist on parroting Powell and the Haitian opposition in referring to the Gonaives situation as a "uprising by the people," they also repeat the mantra that the "rebel leaders" were originally armed by Aristide as his local goons, and that he is therefore responsible for the attacks on his own police. Such half-truths are sprinkled through media accounts. ... " Only an international assist to retain the democracy of Haiti and the people can save President Aristide now -- even with a resignation -- the opposition would endure a temporary presidency by a Supreme Court Justice and elections in 45 days (Haiti COnstitution) ..the brouhaha over elections ignores that the Haiti's Congress' Deputies term is 4 years and expires next November (elected 2000) and the opposition are invited participate - - the alleged reason for the Democracy Funding was to develop political parties - after the sit out & complaints of the 2000 elections - not to spread money to thugs. Now Haiti has to weather a nightmare -a razor's edge in the dark waiting for that help - or the installation of a homesick Army Colonel - who claims no long desire for dictatorship -- just another dreaming field grade junta. |
Haiti - Google News Alerts
Example of GOOGLE news Alerts by e-mail: - The InfoShop Article below references Haiti Gnags receiving M-16's acquired from a shipment to the Dominican republic -- and same article again outlines Haiti's poverty and the Democratic Convergence with the MDP a right-wing party headed by former Haitian Army Sergeant Joseph - which has receoved US Democracy Project funding. LOOTING Erupts As Foreigners Leave Haiti ABC News - USA PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti Feb. 25 � Foreigners tried to flee Haiti on Wednesday, some guarded by US Marines, as looting erupted in ... FRANCE calls for Haiti peace force CNN International - World PARIS, France -- French officials have called for the "immediate" creation of an international civilian peace force to restore order to Haiti. ... BUSH Says US Effort to Resolve Crisis in Haiti Continues New York Times - New York,NY,USA ... Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had been in touch with officials from Canada, France and Caribbean governments about achieving "a peaceful solution" in Haiti ... SOME Aristide supporters set to fight Haiti rebels Forbes - USA PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - Just outside the Haitian capital, at the end of a muddy road, a lanky man in white bounces along on an old bicycle, one hand ... HAITI, crisis and imperialism: background Infoshop News - USA A political crisis that has been brewing in Haiti since 2000 exploded during the second week of February 2004. Members of an armed ... STATEMENT from Sen. Bob Graham on Haiti Miami Herald - Miami,FL,USA ... chaos. Haiti is among the poorest nations on earth. It is ranked 172 out of 208 countries in per capita Gross National Income. It ... GRAHAM Slammed for "Confused," "Me-too" Stance on Haiti - Canada Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham came under fire for what was called Canada's "me-tooism" in its stance on violence in Haiti. ... UTAH woman remaining in Haiti to aid orphans Salt Lake Tribune - Salt Lake City,UT,USA While US Marines poured into Haiti's capital to protect the US Embassy, a Cache County woman sent an e-mail Tuesday to her family in Utah saying she would be ... BLOODBATH feared in Haiti after diplomatic efforts fail ABC Online - Australia HAMISH ROBERTSON: There've been some grim predictions today that Haiti could soon be plunged into a bloodbath. Diplomatic efforts ... PRESSURE is on Bush to send force to Haiti International Herald Tribune - Paris,France WASHINGTON With pessimism rising over a political settlement in Haiti, pressure is mounting on the Bush administration to send security forces to stabilize the ... This daily-once News Alert is brought to you by Google News (BETA)... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
Media News Summaries -Haiti -Argentine Press
Media News Summaries -Haiti -Argentine Press
Periodismo Haiti News offers an article on the Haiti crisis referencing Aristide's call for international help and the press of human refugee calamity -article has three additional links to Argentine press piece frmo La Nacion, and Media-12 --all of which reference the humanitarian situation -refugeees in boats the US Coast Guard posture at the Windward Passage -the rebels push from Cap Haitien to the govenment holdout at Port de Paix in the NorthWest Department -west of Cap Haitien along the coast (La Nacion) and the preparation in the capital for the rebels approach -- gang raids occasionally at Port au Prince stores docks and warehouses but a barricade mentality as the people, in part with semi-automatic weapons and pistols, prepare for the rebels. References in summary to Guy Phllipe's command of the armed insurgents with his RFI Radio-France-International intervie stating his plans. Those additional links at the Spanish language news site Periodismo link above. A reminder that the Republic of Argentina is a past civil victimm of militarism & rebel-armed military coup. |
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Aristide Need Not Quit-The Facts
Aristide Need Not Quit-The Facts
Haiti's system is presidential not parlimentarian - Ameicans must understand that President Aristide is elected to a five year term He shares power with a Prime Minister who acts as primary executive subordinate to the President and enforces the nation's laws. Preisdent Aristide appoints the Commander in Chief of the Security Forces - but is nominal commander of the Haitian forces - The Prime Minster is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Haitian Congress. The President may replace him and appoint another with Congress approval. - The Family Party -Aristide's - is the majority of the Congress in Haiti. President Aristide and others - the international community's - proposal is the appointment of a new bi-partisan Prime Minister and a special advisory council to work the crisis through; and to then receive the international community's assistance to Haiti including a possible police contingent. - Were he to resign he would have to wait another five years before seeking the office again. Mr Andre Apaid - a major figure of the Haitian opposition -co-founded the 'Group 184' - a chamber of commerce like poltical group) - and is a business man born in New York City and also a Haitiian citizen. - The Haitian Government has sought his investigation by the US Justice Department for violations of the US Neutrality Act. He was mentioned at the Feb 23 US State Dept Briefing as in comunication with Sec't'y Powell - The Haitian Opposition has not assented to President Aristide's plan which sought approval was continued through today. Apaid and the 184 Group were co-founded or benefitted in part by US and European monies intended to broaden democracy in Haiti by funding other demcratic opposition parties. Apaid is a well known owner/investor in the Haitian textile industry. He and Paul Evans are the primary American influence opposition figures. Also affiiated as a Haitian Government registered agent is the "Global Marketing Solutions". - sources: Haitian Embassy Press Releases and combined news publications. Click the highlighted links below for more Haitian information: Haitian Embassy Press Releases Index -Presidency of Haiti President Aristide Political Crisis Solution Plan-Print format Article about US funding of political oposition - 'Axis of Logic' Google Search Andre Apaid Jr. |
Haiti - Analysis
Haiti Political Analysis
Political Analysis- Haiti's rebels -not affiliated with the opposition is a classic case of national destabilzation by a criminal element composed of former army professionals offering a 'fait accomplis' in a deal to the civil non-violent political opposition. Their method is to deiscredit the government with blame and are now attacking individuals identified as Aristide supporters by simple mind perception; a cultivation of local denunciations; and attacking anyone identified with that government. Aristide's peace offer is a constitutional arrangement whereby his majority party and he would yield the Prime Minister's office in compromise acceptable to the opposition which could offer one of their own. At this writing the opposition was stil not agreeing and seeking Mr Aristide's resignation. By news from the AP article below - the rebels using a former Haitian Army officer and past Cap Haitien police chef (Guy Phillipe) as a foil have offered a 'peace' to the oppposition if Arisitide leaves - Phillipe claims informal contact with the opposition (which still rejects the rebels for violence) - in return for career ambitions in a re-established Haitian army. The Haitian rebels - working with criminals and returning from the neighboring Dominican Republic where they massed in secret exile are reminiscent of the OAS - the secret army organization of de Gaulle's day in France which ravaged France with crime and terror bombing (to gain power by fear and reources by crime) until the 5th republic were established. They like FRAPH, were composed of army veterans of the Algeria & Indochina wars who resented the French colonial demarque and resulting military diminshment. Aristide nor the opposition cannot yield under military power to this assault - but can compromise - as if an attack were not occurring but instead peaceful demonstrations. The well-meaning former priest has done all he can and must yield - a resignation of his Prime Minister to the opposition and his party - and see to a quick reformation. The 'chemers', ghosts, - attaches nouveaux - are a criminal discreditiation technique aimed at any incumbent -- they are 'heard' as if government reposes . .and thus endangered. Once re-organized - Haiti's national government would have the ally of international forces. By the provisions of the Haitian constitution - Aristide's resignation, if done, would transfer the presidency to the Chief Justice of the Haiti Supreme Court - new presidental elections would speedily follow - the Prime Minister arrangement is an option of the voting majority of the Haitian Congress which can diminish itself - its majority strength - and the President of Haiti -Aristide. Sadly this good man must again consider a last resort sacrifice of himself to avert a blow against the state - but without exile .. this time to save many Haitian lives from the old fashioned Haitian relief option - death. Lets hope he does not and wins. Associated Press Paisley Dodds article reported from Cap Haitien & Port au Prince |
Press SUmmary Haiti
Press Summary-Haiti 2-23-04
The Domnican Republic refused three days ago asylum to Haitian Senator Prince Sonson on the weekend and admitted about twenty police from Haiti 's border town of Quanaminthe across the border from Dejabon. The article (from AlterPresse) in French recounts the attempt for asylum and reports the Senator is now resident in France with several businessmen and others joining him. L'attempt d'asile d'un Senator Haitien The Dominican Republic has closed its borders and the commander of its security forces has warned of a dangerous sitation due to the Haitian Crisis in NorthEast Haiti --recounts the border problem and the commercial -market impact on an otherwise convivial bi-national market center at Quanminthe & Dejabon. The border there is closed and may be tested for re-opening Tuesday ..the perilous situation of refugees and foodstuffs for both communities along the border are noted. -article in Spanish - de cerrado de la Frontera Haiti-Republica Dominica The 184 Group have initially rejected the international plan for Haiti and are readying their nomination for Aristide's successor - and Andre Apaid -referenced in today's US State Dept briefing alleged number 1 in the Group-184 blamed Pres Aristide for the violence n the North East and the Cap Haitien deaths. (Officially the Haitian Government has delayed and received another 24 hours to respond to the proposal of Caricom ..) Current Prime Minster Neptune seeks the 184 Group and the opposition parties' endorsement of the plan - which calls for a new Prime Minister and the retention of Aristide. -articles in French - Agence Haiti Presse - raconte de Plan de Communait� Int'l - francais |
Monday, February 23, 2004
Red Cross Reports Haiti-DomRep Border Closed in NorthEast
Red Cross Reports Haiti-DomRep Border Closed in NorthEast
Red Cross Report Red Cross status report for medical emergency operations in the North East and Cap Haitien areas of Haiti -- rebellion has wrecked havoc with relief operations and threatens a vital mango harvest which cannot - get harvested - get to market without end of violence. Red Cross reports that the border with the Dominican republic is CLOSED See report at article link : Red Cross Report Link Red Cross website UN ReliefWeb - Report Posts Excerpt -US Dept State - Haiti Status Policy Briefing US State Dept full briefing transcript This post was also published at (20:22 est) |
US Army Health-Performance Manuel Haiti here
US Army Health & Performance Manual - Haiti link here online
The US Army's Health & Performance Manual for Haiti on line to read or download -free public information - from The US Army Medical desk. Other US Army Health related manuals US Army Haiti Manual Here PDF download here |
Sunday, February 22, 2004
More Haiti News - re Cap Haitien Aircraft
More Haitien Crisis News Notes-Links
Radio Metropole Haiti - francais AP News via YAHOO - Cap Haitien Links to stories include photos of Guy Phillippe & Jean Louis Jodel Chamberlain - rebels in Mon Joi Hotel Cap Haitien - - equipment includes AK 47 rifles - bullet proof vests - large trucks & SUVs -- aircraft allegedly taken by persons allied to Aristiede with request to fly to capital Port au Prince [ early CNN-NBC news reports had rebels taking a Tropical Airways plane ] -- 5 Aristide supporters were killed at Cap Haitien Airport - 200 ex-military types with para military in Phillippe force up fm Gonaives -- many from Haitian ex-soldiers organization - disbanded army affiliates. |
More Links Notes Haiti Crisis
More Links Notes Haiti Crisis
Haitien rebels reportedly (CNN-NBC 22-02-04 18:30 est) have captured an airplane at Cap Haitien - pssbly type -Tropical Airways LET-460 or Air Haiti - DH Otter [possible craft affiliated with Guy Phillipe -past Cap Haitien Police Chief - pilot ability unknown -may have VFR rating ..Gonnaive airport not listed or unknown but Port de Paix has airport - in Nord Ouest] Cap Haitien & Port au Prince are principal airports -others at links below -- Haiti Haiti Embassy Investment Page US-FAA Haiti Info World Aircraft Charters -Haiti Info-Airports -Haiti Aviation Safety -Haiti Aviation Safety -Haiti Aviation Safety -Haiti IRC WWW Chat Haiti Topic |
Haiti News - Cap Haitien alleged aptured Under Attck AT This Hour -News Analysis & Summary
Haiti News - Cap Haitien alleged captured Under Attack At This Hour -News Analysis & Summary
Rebel leaders: Mantayer -Phllipe & Chamblain are drawing resources & men from prison breaks and are composing rebel armies of teenagers & criminals released or returned from exlie. Haiti's defense force is its civilian militia and its police units - the latter with sidearms and some swat weaponry. The peace plan just proposed 2/02/04 was with the civil opposition and excluded the terrorist styled rebels which are a violent rebellion led by criminals - not a peaceful political opposition per se. The criminals - styled rebels - plan to sever the country in the north - Cap Haitien under attack now is a major port & city - the rebels would avert a landlocked status other than rely alone on Gonnaive - where Mantayer has proclaimed a 'republic' [sic] - Rebel leader Phillipe is a criminally charged ex-police chief of Cap Haitien returned from criminal fugitive flight from casual asylum in the Domnican Republic - Port au Prince yesterday 21-02-04 was due to have sent a food supply barge with WFP supplies to Cap Haitien for as many as 268,000 charges (anticipating the land route closure and airport seizure) - CNN is reporting rebels have now gained control of Cap Haitien and alleges popular celebration 13:30 est 22-02-04 US forces - US Marines are an optional hour away via Guantanamo or nearby US Southern Command bases - Rebels are still laying attack until Arisitide leaves - effectively pressing a hostage extortion - Arisitide loyal civilian militia are claiming restoration in some towns in Centre and the South of Cap Haitien as rebels thin or leave - rebel leaders: Phllipe-Mantayer-Chamblain are warning of attacks against civilians - especially foreigners if the international commnity 'tilts' to Aristide with military assistance - ie does not remain neutral .. USA alone has 20,000 citizens in Haiti (per CNN). Rebels capture of the Cap Haitien Airport is an attempt to compensate for closed DR border and to sustain their rebellion in the north - Haiti has one internal airli and few airports Tropical Airways - -one of its aircraft has been reported captured -- rebel leaders in Gonnaive have reported they'd seek aircraft for strength. US Marine Base Guantanamo is just westerly of Cap Haitien in eastern Cuba. - Involvement of foreign forces in Haiti may entail bloodshed and internal hostile reaction - save where invited by Port au Prince - crimnal elements in the rebellion are allegedly 'homesick' at Haitien pre-Lenten Carnival time and drawing some popular short-term assent from disgruntled elements of the Haitina population - the three leaders of the rebels had fled past multiple murder and attempted government overthow charges - Haiti's Aristide administration still seeks a Jamaican style constabulary - with no army - to safeguard the country --while overcoming its sometime notorious criminal Duvalier lingering past - training, supplies and breathing room and money for that kind of national police force is badly needed - Summary news from CNN-Yahoo-AP & Reuters reports & others for this analysis |
Haiti Headlines
Haiti Headlines
![]() |
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Mardi Gras New Orleans Webcams here cher
Mardi Gras New Orleans Webcams
As with last year -- New Orleans Mardi Gras 2004 WebCams |
UN OCHA Relief Web UN reliefWeb Website -OCHA crisis and status News
Haitian News & Crisis Links
Haitian News Crisis Links
Friday, February 20, 2004
Haiti - News Summary Haiti Links
Haiti - News Summary Haiti Links
Haiti's latest disturbance as of 02/20/04 - has the Government of the Republic of Haiti maintaining control of most of the western half of Hispaniola [Haiti proper] but with a state of gangster led rebellion in at least one department: Arbonite - Gonnaive its capital - in the Arbonite River Valley. As of 02/20/04 that gangster held group had declared a secession (AP & Reuters wire report via YAHOO news) and planned to cultivate the rice growing valley to sustain itself declaring Gonnaive its capital. That group led by a Mr. Chamberlain, and Guy Phillipe - both exiled figures of the old Haitien Junta and its old thrown-out corrupt police force returned after gangs overthrew the smaller lesser armed Haitian National police force in Gonnaive. Coming from the Dominican Republic - Phillipe and Chamberlain are seeking to kill or elimnate the smaller police force in norther Haiti centering at cap Haitien - Haiti's second city. By news reports they have killed 50 or more -manly police officers -some of whose bodies were mutiliated and dragged and paraded through the streets as exemplars of terror. By obvious plan they expect to secure the north and a supply corridor to the Dominican Republic. Gonnaive at the estuary of the Artibonite has water access. The DR has allegedly interned remaining armed Haitiens and declared no refuge for those rebels. The rebels and their gang leaders were subject to arrest for earlier murderous coup activities and crimes. Amnesty in Haiti is limited by the current Haitian Constitution which commands a life imprisonment without commutation for treason. President Aristide- a former Roman Catholic priest and leader of the majority Family Party is President in his first term under the restored constitution and his term ends in 2006. President Aristide is democratically elected; his minority opposition is constitutionally loyal and non-violent. President Aristide also appoints the Haitian Prime Minister who serves with the consent of the Haitian Congress; and the Commander in Chief of the Security Forces; the armed forces have been materially reduced to avert their interference with civilian government, as in Mexico and Costa Rica. The police force sought to maintain civil safety and to back the government in crisis is evidently uderarmed and attacked for its inability to wholly police the nation from episodic gangsterism. The President may declare a state of siege with the concurrence of his prime Minister; the Security Force Commander and the Prime Minister. As of this evening 02/20/04 - the Government have rallied a civilian force which barricaded main roads into Cap Hatien and is adequately controlling the sothern half and central sectors of the country and the Port au Prince area. Guy Phillipe - one of the rebel comanders is formerly Police Chief of Cap Hatien and past involved as was Chamberlain with death squads via para military forces. Haiti a Catholc country is currently in the first week of Carnival and heavily dependent on tourism. The US and other nations are warning their nationals to leave or to avert travel to Haiti due to the current crisis risk. Haiti's opposition - though loyal to the Constitution has received mixed US funding in part from the US (some CIA) as has President Aristide's party & community for nation building -mainly in the past before restoration - but by one report ("Axis of Logic") - more mney has poured from the USA to a pro-business community to fund a political opposition party for better business hospitality in this Bush admnistration. By most reports -Haiti's normalization with business investment has never been given a chance - this government of President Aristide is 3 & 1/2 years old and is facing the same challenges he and his Family Party faced when toppled by coup after UN sponsored elections in 1991 - save the armed forces are largely dismantled. The UN restored the civil government in 1994. By news reports the poverty standard of living in Haiti is $1 per day. The international community has attempted to intervene with the opposition and President Aristide in Haiti with proposals ranging from a police force assistance (via OAS) to a UN trusteeship (a UN colony). Haiti has never been colonized and has been independent since approximately 1803 - US intervention has varied and the US participated in the last UN Peacekeeping Force; and once occupied the country in the 20's and 30's to secure customs revenues for national debt maintenance (the intervention style of that period). Never save in default self-sufficient in food (with no autarky sought) Haiti grows rice and table food staples -squash-tropical sweet potatoes- corn but insufficiently to feed itself without importation. Its past income earners have been tropical fruit exports and sugar; and at one time it was a primary maker of baseballs (as many stitches as beads on a rosary "Bull Durham") for that sport. Most differences with the US Bush Administration have been over the inadequate security for local business & investment protection. Relations with the Dominican Republic have been good - but place two labor heavy poor nations at odds for employment -with Haiti supplying cheap labor to the DR. The exiles with smuggled arms entered Haiti from the DR over the mountains and its passes - where by news reports border passage can be purchased for as little as $1 a person. Phillipe & Chamberlain with others - in criminal exile had received informal asylum from the Dominican Government and face arrest by Haiti. Article summarized from news sources: AP; Reuters; CBS; PBS; BBC; UN-OCHOA; "Axis of Logic"; links at the site above. |
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Formula 1
Formula 1
Formula 1 2004 season - the rich man's NASCAR - begins in Australia March 7 2004. Page of links - as per last season - at Debrief website above. If Ferrari fans cannot get enough - try the "Ferrari For Sale" weblog with pictures & sale ads at any newsreader. |
Monday, February 16, 2004
Haiti's Price of De-Militarism
Haiti's Price of De-Militarism - Gangsters Return
This Sunday's (February 15 2004) Miami Herald pointedly reports that three past Haitian criminals engineerd a return to Haiti through a staged infiltration of their gangs to various Haitian towns and cities. Using the de-militarism of President Aristide's democratic Haiti which sought a lesser military - Mexican & Costa Rican style - they struck to inflict crime and terror. The learned can little conclude that the gangs simply guaged and tested the Haitian Governemnt with its lesser police and military and pressed it. As of last Sunday (02/15) the Dominican Republic has promised to intern Haiti-hostile criminal elements; and the OAS has dispatched a multi-lateral police force. However the wait has cost Haiti death and government credibility and the major city and departmental center of Gonnaives in Artibonite - 200,000 people hostage. Further and similar analyis in the syndicated column of William Raspberry. Sadly meaning well - the Aristide Government - popular in the past and now in unpopularity was unprepared and outgunned - or forced to choose an aunacceptable level of civilian casualty risk. Only a stand down of the criminal rebels and a ceasefire with policing help - can sustain the constitutional order. Miami Herald - Haiti 02/15/04 More Haitian news links at the blog post below - DEBRIEF. |
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Haiti Crisis Links - News Maps
Haiti Crisis Links - News Maps
Haitian crisis prompts news media links at this URL - 'debrief' web page - Haiti News-Info Links - Haiti Maps Maps Center Current status, via news reports, has rebellion of ex-patriates returned from Isla Hispaniola sharing Dominican Republic seeking anti-government insurrection with gangster flavor. Gonaives - attacked alleged under rebel control. Gonaives is in Artibonite Department on westward peninsula - NW of capital Port au Prince - UN Relief Web Status Report OCHA - has Gonaive in Centre D�partment . Caricom and USA; and the UN; among its supporters are backing the elected constitutional government of President Aristide (news sources) Dominican Republic is member of Caricom and has not endorsed rebels who transited from the DR (news sources - summary notation via AP, Reuters via Yahoo) |
Friday, February 13, 2004
RSS News Feeds Available 3500+ & Customizle - Free at
RSS News Feeds Available 3500+ & Customizable - Free at -a news aggregator has made over 3500 newsfeeds available via its WWW site here. Just pick a subject - or say for a local newsfeed - enter your zip code - or your favorite sports team; or TV show; etc.. TOPIX then will produce both a WWW HTML page and an XML link. The HTML page will have the XML link & a another link to add the feed to your "MyYahoo" page RSS 'beta' module - which displays newsfeeds in HTML format. Tip -if the YAHOO link won't work just copy the XML link and add it to the My Yahoo RSS feeds list for your pages. If you're still new to RSS - the newsfeed will consist of news headlines and texts pertinent to the subject chosen - from any source found. Reminder - these are ordinarily free for individual and non-commercial users. |
Blogger Syndication via Atom XML
Blogger Syndication via Atom XML
Blogging syndication is optionally available again at Blogger/BlogSPot via Atom XML. This service is again part of the 'free' Blogger-BlogSpot (advertisements on the page) service. More about blogging & personal content syndication options - newfeeds, weblogs Here: Blogging Article at Debrief. This information was discussed here and at Blog SCOTTMCON earlier. Format for feed url - optionally: http://(username) or http://(username) name).xml The syndication wil allow other users to subscribe to your weblog in newsfeed format; or for its pick-up by news aggregators which sweep and search or spider weblogs. Personal weblogs which have opted to be private are not publicized in the public Blogger directory remain private. The XML (extensible mark-up language - taking CSS -style mark up language) formats for any newsreader which reads RSS & XML. Atom XML is explained at the link above. Blggers wishing a further boost or otice of their blog update can opt for the automatic API notification 'ping' to under 'settings'. Blogger 'blogs' will still be available in the WWW HTML format as well. |
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Mexico Dumps US Olympic Soccer Team 4-0 - Sports Note
Mexico Dumps US Olympic Soccer Team 4-0 - Sports Note
Yesterday im Guadalajara Mexico, it was all over for the hopeful (under 23 years old) US olympic soccer team - as Mexico's Olympic team eliminated the USA 4-0 from competition at Athens. (blogger summary from Yahoo sports news sources) Links to news sources via Yahoo here.Yahoo Olympic Soccer ..AP story via Yahoo Sports per the referenced news sources it is the first time since 1980 - that a US soccer team has failed to qualify for Olympic competiton in the elimination rounds. |
Nuclear Weapons Terror Risk Warned
Nuclear Weapons Terror Risk Warned by UN-Atomic Chief Dr. al Baradi - President Bush Proposes Anti-Black Market Treaty
NY Times article -President Bush' proposals - Al-Jazeera summary article of al Baradi's public remarks in the New York Times - Both officials soberly address the concern in nuclear materials trafficking and seek a major multi-lateral treaty of nuclear materials possessing and producing nations .. with sound criminal processes to control and police the trafficking. Dr Baradi -the UN Nuclear Materials Agency chief warns of nuclear destruction plans and risk where policing fails. |
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
RSS Usage On Line
RSS Usage On-Line
Syndicate weblogs or blogs and assorted newsfeeds can be read and stored with on line features made avaiable by YAHOO and FastBuzz. FastBuzz is an easyily used newsreer-newsaggregator for computer users who cannot downlaod a newsreader program t their hard-drive or as a spare. YAHOO has re-incorporated RSS headline options to its members pages - ie the MyYahoo page. Offering news headlines of leading media; and your choice of sydicated sources -newsfeeds and 'blog' or weblog feeds. Requires YAHOO-USA membership with the links below supplying the module and RSS search & list. As many as 6 pages with 25 RSS sources per page. Including this blog .. DEBRIEF - or simply type DEBRIEF in the YAHOO RSS search. Foreign readers with Yahoo membership - may try theri USA counterpart with their systemic YAHOO membership - ie an e-mail account. The RSS feeds are for individual use and non-commerical use only and only wil display on the MyYahoo Yahoo member pages. The FastBuzz service will allow you to create an e-mail update sweeping every 3-6-9-12-24 hours or read newsfeeds on line with most computers - no download needed. YAHOO RSS Module YAHOO RSS Search |
Friday, February 06, 2004
Cowboy Poetry festival
20th Cowboy Poetry festival - Elko Nevada
National Public Radio reminded its audience today of the Cowboy Poetry festival - link above or here. Meanwhile - a lttle thought on the matter at this blogger's poetry journal. |
Thursday, February 05, 2004
State University Exchange Program
State Unversity Exchange Program
Can your son or daughter at a state college or state university and exchange places at other state's schools and at state-resident tuiton/board rates and continue their education? Maybe in an exotic American locale? Why not... Look at this idea. (proposed & endorsed by this blogger before - it's an election year folks). ADDENDUM -- a recently learned charity via a local paper and the NYT - Heifer Int'l - the organization donates income producing livestock to poor people worldwide. |
Maine North Woods National Park?
Maine North Woods National Park?
Maine's North Woods from Canada easterly to Baxter State Park may be the object of a proposed National Park per an article in this month's National Geographic Magazine. Since Maine's paper companies which large tracts of pulp wood forest consuming half of northern Maine -open in some areas to trapping hunting & fishing for years - have diminished in pulp wood supply importance and may be sold; many, including this blogger, have long encouraged an Adirondack like park for upper Maine joining the Allagash in the far north and Baxter State Park. Baxter State Park originated by the love of a popular Maine Governor for the woodlands and forests of his state; who bought vast tracts around Mount Katahdin and joined it into a state park today bearing is name. It remains the largest state park in the East. Maine's economy not being New York State's, a Federal joinder to a great project to at least stay further development in the state as the paper companies timberlands open is welcome. All that is needed is the same easement forrmula which created and sustained the Adirondack park in New York State. It takes a Federal condemnation and money to compensate the state's tax base; but it can be done; and done to conserve Maine's greatest values in tourism and natural conservation. This blogger has lived in Maine; descends from Mainers ..seen Katahdin - loved it - wishes the opportunity could be realized to save Maine's woods for others. Governor Baxter battled the biggest industry in his state to save a widerness area. His example deserves to be followed in this new challenge to the post-pulp wood ere of Maine. Let it not be sold and raped again. And no - the Federal government isn't being aske to take unprofitable surplus pulp timber acreage off the Maine tax rolls. |
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Blogging Tip - Comments
Blogging Tip - HaloScan & Atom
Blogging at Blogger/BlogSpot or elsewhere without the skill to draft a tempate or space at BlogSpot for a comments strings - can be addressed by an on line commentary web service. Offering free 'comments' service for your blog or any webpage .. - HaloScan. Its service offers a free template and a 'Blog string' insert for a comments loop and the comments can be displayed remotely or picked up RSS-XML. Just register. Additionally - Blogger-BlogSpot has restored free XML feed (syndication) via Atom. Seek and adjust your blog for it under the Settings - Feed option for members. Atom is also used for Blogger's archival feeds. The RSS-XML feed url will be http://(account name or sub-account name)/ name).xml. If needed - BlogMatrix also offers a blogscrape rss feed url option -free. |
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
YAHOO Tracks Airline FLights & WX
YAHOO Flight Tracking
Using YAHOO's ordinary search engine any domestic or international flight can be tracked for arrival - departure - delay etc by entering the airline abbreviation and flight number in the search box [ie HA 200 ]. Yahoo joins the airline feature (via Travel City Flight Tracking) to its existing 'weather search'. Just enter the word weather, a comma, and the city with state if necessary. NB - this is a WWW surfing tip by a satisified Yahoo member ... not advertising. |
Monday, February 02, 2004
Candlemas Day & Punxatwaney Phil
Candlemas Day & Groundhogs
Am reminded today of GroundHog Day (he saw his shadow by several news sources) and Candlemas Day. Candelmas Day - also St Blaise Day - is a Christian calendar feast offering a ritual for health -especially winter health. Throats are blessed by a priest or minister with crossed candles -hence Candle-Mas[s] Day. Given the approach - and the influeza including GI tract distresses . . maybe religion could come up with a St Bottom's day - the faithful would sit for a minute or so on a special cushion in church while the officiant said a blessing. Might work -- but as in all prayer the mind is the holism element, plus a good scarf - diet -excerise -weather - shelter - and common sense health wits. About the shadow? I shaved it. |
Campaign Media-Ad Review - Medium:Internet -Howard Dean
Campaign Media Review - Medium:Internet E-mail:Howard Dean weblog item
Howard Dean's Weblog today 020204 contains the URL for a campaign actvist recruiting ad. Done in 'swf' for internet media . . presented a slick ascceptable pulse-loading color animation with slide show & audio for the Howard Dean Campaign message is good; qualty clear; .. production sound. Reviewed/viewed with a 33.5 kbs dial-up (MSNTV-webtv) .. no problem & good message. About 60 seconds on line. Howard Dean 2004 Blog - 'Calling All Deaniacs' |
Student Activists Mind Their Businesses
Student Activists Mind Their Businesses
Per an e-mail reminder - article from the Boston Globe - piece sumarizes various Massachusetts university students actively negotiating and managing their businesses for their profits and the profits of their ideals. With business savvy attended to small scale producers and environmentally sensitive issues. ie the small scale African coffee farmer as an import target) Article here via Article was a 'news alert' via Google News Alerts (Click News left on masthead) - which now permit a customized news alert -free -to e-mail. |