Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Press SUmmary Haiti
Press Summary-Haiti 2-23-04
The Domnican Republic refused three days ago asylum to Haitian Senator Prince Sonson on the weekend and admitted about twenty police from Haiti 's border town of Quanaminthe across the border from Dejabon. The article (from AlterPresse) in French recounts the attempt for asylum and reports the Senator is now resident in France with several businessmen and others joining him. L'attempt d'asile d'un Senator Haitien The Dominican Republic has closed its borders and the commander of its security forces has warned of a dangerous sitation due to the Haitian Crisis in NorthEast Haiti --recounts the border problem and the commercial -market impact on an otherwise convivial bi-national market center at Quanminthe & Dejabon. The border there is closed and may be tested for re-opening Tuesday ..the perilous situation of refugees and foodstuffs for both communities along the border are noted. -article in Spanish - de cerrado de la Frontera Haiti-Republica Dominica The 184 Group have initially rejected the international plan for Haiti and are readying their nomination for Aristide's successor - and Andre Apaid -referenced in today's US State Dept briefing alleged number 1 in the Group-184 blamed Pres Aristide for the violence n the North East and the Cap Haitien deaths. (Officially the Haitian Government has delayed and received another 24 hours to respond to the proposal of Caricom ..) Current Prime Minster Neptune seeks the 184 Group and the opposition parties' endorsement of the plan - which calls for a new Prime Minister and the retention of Aristide. -articles in French - Agence Haiti Presse - raconte de Plan de Communait� Int'l - francais |