Monday, February 02, 2004

Candlemas Day & Punxatwaney Phil

Candlemas Day & Groundhogs

Am reminded today of GroundHog Day (he saw his shadow by several news sources) and Candlemas Day. Candelmas Day - also St Blaise Day - is a Christian calendar feast offering a ritual for health -especially winter health. Throats are blessed by a priest or minister with crossed candles -hence Candle-Mas[s] Day.
Given the approach - and the influeza including GI tract distresses . . maybe religion could come up with a St Bottom's day - the faithful would sit for a minute or so on a special cushion in church while the officiant said a blessing. Might work -- but as in all prayer the mind is the holism element, plus a good scarf - diet -excerise -weather - shelter - and common sense health wits.

About the shadow? I shaved it.

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