Sunday, February 22, 2004
Haiti News - Cap Haitien alleged aptured Under Attck AT This Hour -News Analysis & Summary
Haiti News - Cap Haitien alleged captured Under Attack At This Hour -News Analysis & Summary
Rebel leaders: Mantayer -Phllipe & Chamblain are drawing resources & men from prison breaks and are composing rebel armies of teenagers & criminals released or returned from exlie. Haiti's defense force is its civilian militia and its police units - the latter with sidearms and some swat weaponry. The peace plan just proposed 2/02/04 was with the civil opposition and excluded the terrorist styled rebels which are a violent rebellion led by criminals - not a peaceful political opposition per se. The criminals - styled rebels - plan to sever the country in the north - Cap Haitien under attack now is a major port & city - the rebels would avert a landlocked status other than rely alone on Gonnaive - where Mantayer has proclaimed a 'republic' [sic] - Rebel leader Phillipe is a criminally charged ex-police chief of Cap Haitien returned from criminal fugitive flight from casual asylum in the Domnican Republic - Port au Prince yesterday 21-02-04 was due to have sent a food supply barge with WFP supplies to Cap Haitien for as many as 268,000 charges (anticipating the land route closure and airport seizure) - CNN is reporting rebels have now gained control of Cap Haitien and alleges popular celebration 13:30 est 22-02-04 US forces - US Marines are an optional hour away via Guantanamo or nearby US Southern Command bases - Rebels are still laying attack until Arisitide leaves - effectively pressing a hostage extortion - Arisitide loyal civilian militia are claiming restoration in some towns in Centre and the South of Cap Haitien as rebels thin or leave - rebel leaders: Phllipe-Mantayer-Chamblain are warning of attacks against civilians - especially foreigners if the international commnity 'tilts' to Aristide with military assistance - ie does not remain neutral .. USA alone has 20,000 citizens in Haiti (per CNN). Rebels capture of the Cap Haitien Airport is an attempt to compensate for closed DR border and to sustain their rebellion in the north - Haiti has one internal airli and few airports Tropical Airways - -one of its aircraft has been reported captured -- rebel leaders in Gonnaive have reported they'd seek aircraft for strength. US Marine Base Guantanamo is just westerly of Cap Haitien in eastern Cuba. - Involvement of foreign forces in Haiti may entail bloodshed and internal hostile reaction - save where invited by Port au Prince - crimnal elements in the rebellion are allegedly 'homesick' at Haitien pre-Lenten Carnival time and drawing some popular short-term assent from disgruntled elements of the Haitina population - the three leaders of the rebels had fled past multiple murder and attempted government overthow charges - Haiti's Aristide administration still seeks a Jamaican style constabulary - with no army - to safeguard the country --while overcoming its sometime notorious criminal Duvalier lingering past - training, supplies and breathing room and money for that kind of national police force is badly needed - Summary news from CNN-Yahoo-AP & Reuters reports & others for this analysis |