Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Aristide Need Not Quit-The Facts

Aristide Need Not Quit-The Facts

Haiti's system is presidential not parlimentarian - Ameicans must understand that President Aristide is elected to a five year term He shares power with a Prime Minister who acts as primary executive subordinate to the President and enforces the nation's laws. Preisdent Aristide appoints the Commander in Chief of the Security Forces - but is nominal commander of the Haitian forces - The Prime Minster is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Haitian Congress. The President may replace him and appoint another with Congress approval. - The Family Party -Aristide's - is the majority of the Congress in Haiti. President Aristide and others - the international community's - proposal is the appointment of a new bi-partisan Prime Minister and a special advisory council to work the crisis through; and to then receive the international community's assistance to Haiti including a possible police contingent. - Were he to resign he would have to wait another five years before seeking the office again.

Mr Andre Apaid - a major figure of the Haitian opposition -co-founded the 'Group 184' - a chamber of commerce like poltical group) - and is a business man born in New York City and also a Haitiian citizen. - The Haitian Government has sought his investigation by the US Justice Department for violations of the US Neutrality Act. He was mentioned at the Feb 23 US State Dept Briefing as in comunication with Sec't'y Powell -
The Haitian Opposition has not assented to President Aristide's plan which sought approval was continued through today.
Apaid and the 184 Group were co-founded or benefitted in part by US and European monies intended to broaden democracy in Haiti by funding other demcratic opposition parties. Apaid is a well known owner/investor in the Haitian textile industry. He and Paul Evans are the primary American influence opposition figures. Also affiiated as a Haitian Government registered agent is the "Global Marketing Solutions".
- sources: Haitian Embassy Press Releases and combined news publications.

Click the highlighted links below for more Haitian information:

Haitian Embassy Press Releases Index -Presidency of Haiti
President Aristide Political Crisis Solution Plan-Print format Article about US funding of political oposition - 'Axis of Logic' Google Search Andre Apaid Jr.

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