Thursday, February 08, 2007

CBS Survivor 14 Fiji Islands BOYCOTT

CBS Television will AIR its Survivor #14 Premiere tonight on most of its CBS affiliates; in the USA and on CBS-Australia TV. DEBRIEF urges a boycott of the program until Fiji, recently a democracy until a miitary coup last December 6-7 2006, is returned to civilian democratic constitutional government.

CBS & Survivor fans are urged to let CBS executives know of the matter and their disagreement with the continued siting in Fiji; and to let CBS Survivor sponsors know. The USA and the Commowealth of Nations (which include Fiji) have applied sanctions. Let's support them -- not reward dictatorship.

CBS & Burnett productions should be able to withdraw the production & re-locate - take a loss and recover in insurance for their costs.

Remember when CBS led as a broadcast network with responsibility and American values? Lets Go!!

[P S] Fijans like freedom as Americans do -- so use the satire and tell COMMODORE BANANA to go! (Are they going to arrest or censor us?)
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