Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rate Change - T-MOBIL ToGo PrePaid

Rate Change - T-MOBIL ToGo PrePaid
-- as of August 15 2006 -- T-Mobil PrePaid ToGo services for the USA market will increase to 25 cents per MMS (multimedia) message received; and 5 cents per instant messenger received. Unitl this change --T-Mobil USA offered unlimited free messages receipt. No change in text messages (SMS) rates or receipt limit.

The MMS messages are those which have pictures audios etc; and those which use your cell-phones e-mail (ie your number@tmomail.net).

Still a good buy -- but you may choose to transfer some of ur busy alertsand blg feeds and RSS feeds to the MSS channel. If too busy or a headache -- Go to Message Settings and select the no receipt option under settings for Multimedia (MMS) on your cell-phone. Verify, however that you wil not get charged (debited 25 cents) for MMS messages received at T-Mobil's memory store but not delivered to your cell-phone.

This may have been cost fall-out for TM's big World Cup business.


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