Thursday, June 30, 2005

No Fly List

No Fly List

The USA's Transprtation Security Agency was on my mind toda, and as a lawyer, Debrief, reviewed the law; but there was no regulation to sustain it - specifically.
Instead, there is an amibiguous set of Federal Regulations which affect airline passenger & cargo screening
They give the TSA some scope - but not that scope. No where is the list specifically empowered; nor a way to contest it -save the broader contests for necessary information to determine the rationality and justification of the listing.
That's not America.

The TSA now has an Ombudsman -justified somewhere maybe by later regulations I gaven't read (they have to be published to apply) or the office is just a super-scoop for public humour justified by all of the above.

If interested the ACLU -the American Civil Liberties Union- last April 2004, filed a challenging class action seeking the lists invalidation on constitutional grounds. upport them if desired -they're ultimately the best and cheapest law firm on liberty. Read more below.

More About the Absent Federal Register Legal Source of the No Fly List

ACLU No Fly List Class Action Litigation Site

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