Wednesday, October 27, 2004

FAQ's Decision 2004

FAQ's Decision 2004

FAQ's about the 2004 US Presidential Election Issues
Was the Iraq War wrong or illegal?
No ... Any group of nations in collect within international law - may rescue a people and secure thereby theirs and international security. It would be optimum if the full UN were to concur.

Is the US ecomomy on a reckless track with all the deficits?
No .. In modern economics it is wise to sustain demand or consumption fom the public or government sector . .this can come from constant or increased spending to offset the declined demand in a slowing economy. Taxes collected and unspent can further slow or stall that economy. In the present Bush Administration, the US economy was hit with a near recession by the market crash and injury of the 911 2001 disaster. In the Administration's judgement, borrowing to sustain national consumption with a tax cut as as a stimulus were wiser than increased taxation and reduced borrowing. In fact the surplus budget which President Bush inherited could not have been maintained unless macro-economically sound, as in good economic times. Those deficits can be reduced later by the usual mix of inreased revenues, spending cuts, and taxes as a last resort when the economy speeds up.

Are we in greater danger because of Iraq through terrorism?
No .. Becasue of the Iraqi War we are now with other nations at the dawn of middle east peace comparable to Europe - through diplomatic regional power conferences; and the creation - through healhy nationhood of an OSCE like unit for the Near East region. Terror will recur through the last ditch cells of any nihilistic group - but gradually the world discovers, as Moslems do, that an 'Al Quaeda' [a base for that culture] is really at hand through Islamic national democracies as the best safeguard of their culture and values.

Does the US damage the world environment by not adhering to the Kyoto Protocol?
No .. The US is re-examining ways of meeting the Kyoto goals in ways other than blaming or marring the US economy. The US has differences ..and one material fault is the failure of the Kyoto Conference to advance the weight of American pollution reduction; and that includes the greenhouse effect. Its greatest challenge is the 'smog island' of Asia.

Will the US abandon public schooling in favor of private schooling?
No .. America must educate and assimilate constantly - -she cannot afford that by the private school alone. Parents, educators, and public administrators forget that the exhibition of an education is the best result measure and they must apply all their resources. All children will be educated at minimum with a public schoool education .. and by a method which rewards pragmatism.

Can America afford universal health care?
Yes .. She has it now through market access to health care. So, as in most modern nations the US will assist the market approach by subsidy or direct assistance for access to the best health care available -American health care. Americans in the next presidential administration should see an expanded option to deduct health costs from their taxable incomes. We cannot provide it all by government without choking the economy by tax burden or rationing.

Can the economy deliver jobs for all?
Full employment remains the national goal ... that means an expanding economy (growing faster than the poulation as a root measure). Foreign trade is part of that business expansion .. and tariffs - for job protection diminish foreign trade. No candidate can promise job protection - a contract can; a growing economy can; expanding the business of your employer or metier can.

Why can't we import pharmaceuticals?
You can .. the Bush Administration continues an exception of $50,000 per person per year from the ban on pharmaceuticals imports. The pharmaceuticals must simply be personally purchased and meet USDA safety requirements.

Will we be in Iraq forever?
Not likely .. the Bush Administration is the closest promise to doing what we said we were there to do; finishing ; and returning home. The US may sustain a military force to prevent another Talbani Afghanistan or criminal client state -in nations which can accomodate that presence.

What do you see for Israel & Palestine?
Elections for an all Palestinian State; its recognition; and border and territorial resolutions with Israel. That would commence with the restored 1967 border.

Please vote election day.

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