Monday, March 01, 2004
No Inter-Regnum For Haiti
No Inter-Regnum For Haiti
Whatever the circumstances of Mr Aristide's departure - -save proof of duress - which is progressively discounted - though unhappy - Haiti cannot sustain a vacuum in its Executive power. By the Constitution - the Chief Justice becomees Acting President until the next election for the presidency which must commence within 45 days after his 'formal investiture' before the Haitian Congress. By all standard constitutional law-- as in the vacanacy of a crown - the executive is never vacant -if the qualified successor is living. Haiti's lawyers ordinarily would be in accord. The same process in the United States would apply - whereby the law intreprets a vacancy in the office as instantly empowering the constitutional successor. The swearing-in and verification before the Congress would follow and affirm the succession. It is constitutional in Haiti's case, and politically wise - very wise. Various news sources today - reported a haste in the Port au Prince National palace early Sunday -- among thsoe advising Arisitde - his wife -the First Lady - to depart. Concerns for blood apparently genuine --and his decision as in the past - was a decision to spare that blood. Aristide, wished well, will return some time again - but unless the Constitituion is changed - not as President - he cannot have athird term. Haiti's rebels are urged - with the Haitian people who know their rights to support their liberty in law --their soverigntly -by their Constitution. They know it generally as we know ours in the USA. It is Haiti's Government and in its mixedly popular de facto power -FRAPH's choice -to commit to the constitution and conciliation. Politics by vote. The MultiNationalForce MNF will simply buttress Haiti's lesened and reparable police and armed defense force as the government would decide --and not forever. Haiti votes on it. |