Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Herard Abraham Named Haitian Prime Minister by Acting President Alexandre 29-02-04

Herard Abraham Named Haitian Prime Minister by Acting President Alexandre 29-02-04

Herard Abrahams haas been nominated the new Haitian Prime Minister by Acting President Alexandre according to the Haitian Press Agency in a story filed Sunday by the AHP - Haitian Press Agency. News dispatch in French follows below or at the link above. Abraham is a former -honorably served presumably Haitian Armed Forces Commander. By the Haitian Constitution - the Acting President could appoint a Prime Minister who would be confirmed with his Cabinet by the Haitian Hosue of Deputies. This action awaits the more formal presentment of Acting President Alexandre of his succession to the Presidency. The Prime Minister forms and runs the Cabinet Government with the Haitian President as in France -save the House of Deputies is not dissoluble - its terms were due to expire May or November this year ( ear terms for Deputies)
(blog summary and notation with AHP news source)
Article notes that Aristide has been forced to abandon his post and cautions against violence in the Capital to of the last 48 hours (ie the rebels delay period).
Noted are sounds of explossions in the centre of the capital near Lalue (the item of another news story in Haiti en Marche about damage at the city's Televison center)
Saying that the government would remain in place 2 days before joing a government of national consensus.
-AHP does not give the sourec for the articel -resumably the Acting President's spokesman.

Note in any case - the President or Actng President in constitutional from may sit a new Prime Minister subject to Haiti's House of Deputy's assent.

" ...
Nouvelles du 29 f�vrier 2004
Flash!!!! Le pr�sident Aristide a �t� contraint d'abandonner son poste dimanche suite aux pressions dont il a �t� l'objet la nuit derni�re.
Le chef de l'Etat est accus� notammment d'avoir cautionnn� les actes de violence enregistr�s dans la capitale au cours des ces derni�res 48 heures.

Des coups d'armes sont entendus en plusieurs points de la capitale. Des sc�nes de d�choukage ont �t� signal�es notamment � Lalue dans le cente de la capitale
Selon les informations, l'actuel gouvernement pourrait rester en place pour deux jours, en attendant la formation d'un gouvernement dit de consensus.
Le pr�sident de la cour de cassation, Alexandre Boniface pourait devenir pr�sident et l'ancien g�neral des ex-forces arm�es, H�rard Abraham, premier ministre.
AHP 29 f�vrier 2004 8:45 AM
Nouvelles du 28 f�vrier 200

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