Thursday, March 04, 2004
Haiti's Resolves
Haiti's Resolves
Haiti's Acting President and Prime Minister today joined with the previous compromise approach to a new Prime Minister and Government (Cabinet) for Haiti - which compromise is generally that of CARICOM and the OAS before the departure of Aristide. Its approach through two councils would select from a list of nominees a bi=partsan (ie meretricious) Prime Minister who would then form a Cabinet. A similar approach was made by Aristide and Prime Minister Neptune long before the weekend but was regularly rejected by the Opposition. Several news items noting the current humanitarian crisis and its address in Haiti are at the link above at the UN-OCHOA site in English-French-Spanish. Other news in summary: Prime Minister Neptune has estimated the rebellon has cost Haiti as much as $300 million - nearly a year's annual government budget; and the news of the Tri-Partite Council and Council of Advisors. Several Haitians will partipate in the coalition government approach in addition to the earlier nominee Herard Abraham. Acting President Alexandre named a new Police Director - Haiti's former Coast Guard Chief. Whether the sex of the outgoing Police Director was a factor in Haiti's male dominated society may be analyzed later. News sources had constant reports fo a failed confidence in Police Command including its lack of confidence in President Aristide. Those stories at Metropole Haitien -via AP and Reuters -in French Metropole Haiti and at Haiti en Marche: Haiti en Marche: "... Jocelyne Pierre directrice de la police nationale par le commissaire divisionnaire L�once Charles qui dirigeait pr�alablement la garde-c�te ha�tienne. ... " The UN Peacekeeping Force -via DAP at UN-OCHOA will be headed by Brazil which is contributing 1100 men - a leadership choice of sensitivity with greater possible contribution to Haiti's favela like gang-clan structure in a longer assist. As in the previous nights - military patrols -mainly French-American and newly arrived Chilean - are attempting to keep a lid on further looting and gang war in Port au Prince .. sustaining diplomatic institutions and seeking to containdamage at the P au P waterfront. Joint humanitarian aide is beginning to return along with proised humaniarian funds. What is damning in all this is the absence of anything but an anti-Aristide reason for the lack of it before the rebellion. Those questions are placed also by OAS CARICOM and referenced to the UN for investigation. |