Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Haiti State of Emergency by Prime Minister

Haiti State of Emergency by Prime Minister

Haiti's Prime Minter Yvon neptune has declared a state of emergency throughout Haiti -per AFP March 3 2004. Mr. Neptune would continue as Prime Minister until the President or Acting Prresident with the Haitian Congress replaced him. Mr. Abraham has been mentioned as the successor and nominee of Acting President Alexandre. Should Mr. Aristide have been disabled rat than having resigned the office - the Prime Minister maintains the Government wihout a succession of the Presidency.
Prime Minster Neptune -endangered b an aroused mob was the object of protection by US Marines Monday & Tuseday and is in safety apparently and in charge - per AFP's news story posted at UN Relief-Web. While the dispute is settling over Mr. Aristide - - his resignation will be construed and detremined by constituted bodies of overnmentin Haiti- A finding of non-resignation (ie revocation by duress) could sour matters - but could also sustain as a 'disablement' the compromise interim of Prime Minister Neptune until the poitical climate settled.
From assorted news summaries - -the Rebels of Guy Phillipe have been orderd by Phillipe to lay down arms - AFP in ReliefWeb March 3 2004 ... and have had one rrdenied run in with the National Police which Philipe allayed to thieves attempting to discredit FRAPH (Haiti en Marche) - that same source recounted in a Tuseday report the burning of as many as 15 top government and Lavalas officials homes in Petit Goave - including the deputy security chief. Also noted in news sources is the looting of Aristide's ome - and the sharp contrast to public protection for the home of Raoul Cedras in 1994. CBS News reports the diplomatic irritated non participation of CARICOM nations in peacekeeping due to the failure of the UN to act on its request for immediate help days earlier. Other news reports note the arrival tomorrow of Chilean troops and the promised aid of Brazil and Canada. The USA and the Republic of France with regional forces are on the ground in Port au Prince.

US State Department Asst Sec't'y of State Noriega and others testimony before Congress about the Haiti matter - and noted the US commttment to democracy and stated a continued financial and humanitarian aid flow -cited diffculties with aristide's governance -- continued claim fraudulent Congressional elections in 2004 (a disputed issue now - they may have been imperfect and actually less than wholly franchising the Lavalas party and the opposition boycotted them) - and State Department Spokesman called on the Rebels to disarm stating they had no part in the country's governing politics as armed men. basically the US Government is now backing the established constitutional institutions of Haiti.
On additional matters - the FRAPH leader Phillipe has called for a plebiscite on the rebel army -but is disbanding - -nb that the Haitian Constitution bars any constituitional referendum - howver the Constitution does provide for a military - but states no minimum nor maximum. Aristide's Administration moved to disband he military - zeroed out its budget in favor of a single Police Constabulary. As a furtehr note - a State of Emergency reqires the assent of the Cabinet the Prime Minister the President and a post continuing approval by the Haitian Congress. Te Constitution and various Haiti news-links - English, French and Spanish at the "debrief" haiti site above.

Also of critical importance - former dictator Prosper Avril -perhaps a motif for the rebellions -is believed still at large after being 'sprung' by the rebels from the Haitian National Penetentiary on Saturday (Haiti en Marche news brief March 1 2004).

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