Friday, March 05, 2004

Haiti-Info: AFP, AP, Washington Times, Figaro, RadioMetropolitan-Haiti

Haiti-Info: AFP, AP, Washington Times, Figaro, Radio Metropolitan-Haiti

Additional on-line source for Haitian news sources: as noted.
More now from this blog - some Haiti de-bunking .. to counter erroneous conservative charges -

Commune - mentioned in many place descriptions and news reports in Haiti - it is a governmental term for a municipality -not a Marxist collective property organization there.

People's Organization -OP- -is simply the name for an educative particpatory group of Aristide and democracy supporters in Haiti - of the people -- not a Maoist group -some are armed and ready to fight for Aristide. Its adherents were ready to defend the government.
Partisan - the good vocabular term for the adherent of a group or socio-political philosophy. Partisans are active in a party - hence the term It is an ok term - not one reserved just for reds.

Fraudulent Elections --a cheap shot-Haiti's elections were as fair as the US Iraqi elections will be in the time needed to register, organize, and teach and vote. The opposition -fearing a poor vote showing boycotted them... They had irregularities and problems but were fair - held in May 2000 for a 4 year term for Deputies and the 6 year Senate (one third of the Senate evry 2 years)
Jesse Helms - retired US Senator -a Southern Baptist or the agent of a constituency of them. Haiti is mainly Roman Catholic with Voodoo influences. Retired Senator Helms (US Foreign Relations et al) never really liked majoritarian Haiti -he was wined and dined by Haitian mulattos -- Powell got Helms endorsement. President Bush welcomed Aristide to Washington last year and likes (liked?) him --or has to check.

Noriega -US Asst Secretary of State for Latin America (Haiti is supposed to be Latin) - he claims the US never stopped US Aid - Molly Ivins (reporter in claims the US withheld $100 million of appropriated humanitarian aid.

Foley - the US Ambassador to Haiti - a 'dream' in a crisis -role model ="Rick Blaine" in Casablanca.
"I stick my neck out for nobody!"

Aristide -the former President of Haiti - sent back to Africa after 300 years in Haiti.

Mildred - Mrs. Aristide -American born - wanted to go allegedly urgently by Sunday February 29 morning --

Yvon Neptune -past Haitian Senator and present Prime Minister

Jean Bertrand Alexandre- the Chief Justice of Haiti's Supreme Court and its likely next Acting President by Haiti's Constitution

Andy Apaid -the Chamber of Commerce's leader for Haiti -not a bad businessman and well meaning politican -head or co-founder of the Opposition Group 184 - but won't join Aristide in anything -and moving an opposition which doesn't participate in elections.
Also borne in New York of Haitian parents - but has double passport problems.

Guy Phillipe - Buteo Metayer - Jean Louis Chamblain - the three musketeers who took arms they thought, to rescue Haiti-or were badly bought and used howver you'd read it -and are convicted assassins, killers, or former death squad leaders -sometimes while in past government service - -they head the para-military and Haitian disbanded army veterans as FRAPH -and lead the 'rebels'. They reinforced themelves with prison breaks -arming and freeing real - well - criminals.

Prosper Avril -a de-throned "Big Daddy" - busted out of the National Penetentiary in Port au Prince -- was Haiti's Military Dictator after Doc Duvalier- -convicted of murder and rights abuses -- has a $45 million civil lawsuit lost to Miami resident victims of his regime - brought against him when he relocated there. (Haiti's Marcos -but never elected)

Jean Paul Duvalier -'Baby Doc' - infamous son of Doc Duvalier and Haiti's last President for Life -- wants to return to Haiti and do good. Lives in millionaired exiled -away from lawsuits by hosting arrangement - in France with Michelle -she taxed Haitians $1 per sack of flour for her wardrobe and shoppign fund. Fled Haiti in 1987? or 1991? Now buying "I've changed" press in Miami and elsewhere.

Dominican Republic- shares the island Hispaniola with Haiti - was unable to warn or stop the rebel army from camping and busting into Haiti to, well, "change things" from Dominican territory. Somehow lost mis-consigned US surplus arms.

Jamaica - an island nation with a good constabulary -a democracy and a sufficient army - which with other CARICOM nations -chided Haiti for crime -wanted to help - and then stopped arms reinforcements for Haiti sent from South Africa.

USA- the home of the 'Black Caucus" and a large percentage fo exiled Haitians and their friends -all of whom vote - especially in Florida. The US wanted to avoid being in the center of a war with Aristide and the rebels -so it waited - and waited -even after the UN ordered military assistance.

France --called la mere terre - maman -- It wanted to wait and did -

Cop -out= --we don't have to do anything

Creole or Kreol -one of Haiti's two official languages -French is the other --the usual American problem with the language.

Security Expert -what the US Embassy has assigned to it in dozens.

Guantanamo -a base for the US Navy with Marines in eastern Cuba -40 minutes flying time from Cap Haitien and Port au Prince -in case the US needs them (with enough leftover to guard the terrorists imprisoned there).

CARICOM -a regional government which like the US President and Congress toward the US government - orders or obtains its members' (like Haiti's) agreement to do things -then short-changes the 'doer' with no money or resources; then calls the UN for help; then boycotts peacekeeping.

Cuba - simply Cuba - you know -60 mles west of Haiti - Fidel's paradise with 900? medics in Haiti -with an official 'safe' from the US Department of State regarding their Haitian presence.

Blanche Arme -- machete the poor 's rifle (literally 'white arm' -you get the image)

Blanche -literally a white person -but any one from abroad -a foreigner in Haiti -no hostility toward them per se - but Haitians' angry sometimes, wish for better times - and well, lose it.

Chimere - society avenging ghosts or spirits automating human beings - probably hurling accusatons by telepathic perception of 'friends or enemies' for denunciations - a lasting French revolution reliquary j'accuse Haitian style- - many transformations in Haiti - TonTon macoutes & Attaches

Jean Claude Jean-Baptiste - Haiti's deputy police director in the past and sub-minister in the Social Affairs Ministry and liason to urban gangs for the Government - fled to Cuba last week after arming gangs.

Jocelyne -last name forgotten- Haiti's National Police Director - just replaced --is a woman -don't know if it mattered --Haiti has no Army -it was disbanded to protect the civilian government.

Lavalas - the political party of Aristide and his supporters --Fanmi Lavalas -- the majority party in Haiti by balloting and Congressional representation; and the Presidency - means landslide or floodwash -- as in sweeping/washing in clean government or cleaning by the power of its size - its votes - also Avalanche in Kreol. Believed that the Helms influenced Bush Administration feared its natural popularity would lead to a single party state in Haiti -like conservative concerns of Kenyatta in Tanzania and Mugabe in Zimbabwe and their one-party states. Haiti's Constitution guarantees pluralism and as many parties as the people choose. It is a liberal private property and individual rights protecting party - not communist ..and with social concern.

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